Our milestones
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Our History
CBS began its journey in 1981 by supporting eight people. Over the next 40 years, CBS expands to supporting 300 people, partnering with their families in their care over the continuum of life. The agency continues its tradition of trust, expertise, and innovation to meet the changing needs of people.

April 1981
Kevin McCarthy Founds CBS
After 30 years as an educator and advocate for people with disabilities, Kevin steps out on his own.
April 1981

April 10, 1981
Home Opens in Pound Ridge
CBS opens its first Intermediate Care Facility in Pound Ridge, NY, to support 8 people.
April 10, 1981

May 10, 1982
Home Opens in White Plains
CBS opens a second Intermediate Care Facility in White Plains, NY, to support 10 people.
May 10, 1982

November 1, 1982
Home Opens in Yorktown Heights
CBS opens a third Intermediate Care Facility in Yorktown Heights, NY, to support 10 people.
November 1, 1982

January 24, 1983
Home Opens in Goldens Bridge
CBS opens a fourth Intermediate Care Facility in Goldens Bridge, NY, to support 12 people.
January 24, 1983

Devcember 10, 1989
Home Opens in Buchanan
CBS opens a fifth Intermediate Care Facility in Buchannan, NY, to support 10 people.
Devcember 10, 1989

March 26, 1992
Home Opens in Briarcliff Manor
CBS opens a sixth Intermediate Care Facility in Briarcliff Manor, NY, to support 10 people.
March 26, 1992

CBS Purchases 3 Fields Lane
With the purchase of the building at 3 Fields Lane, administrative offices move from Purdys to North Salem, NY.

February 20, 1998
Vicki Sylvester Becomes CEO
Vicki began working with Kevin McCarthy in 1982.
February 20, 1998

September 28, 2001
Home Opens in Ossining
CBS opens an Individual Residential Alternative in Ossining, NY, to support 8 people. The IRA focuses on promoting independence and preparing adults with developmental disabilities to become productive members of their communities. The home-like setting allows each individual to achieve his or her potential.
September 28, 2001

September 25, 2004
Home Opens in Yorktown Heights
CBS opens up an Individual Residential Alternative in a second Yorktown Heights, NY, location. This residence supports 8 people.
September 25, 2004

CBS Opens its own Commissary
The Commissary is designed to centralize purchasing and streamline food distribution.
CBS Opens a Day Hab Without Walls program in Westchester County
CBS opens a Day Habilitation Without Walls program in Westchester County. The program is designed to maximize community integation.

CBS Delivers Medicaid Service Coordination
CBS begins delivering Medicaid Service Coordination (MSC) but stops when the program is discontinued by New York State.

CBS Delivers Community Habilitation & Respite
Through these services, CBS is able to offer people support in their own homes.

August 16, 2012
Home Opens in Cortlandt Manor
CBS opens an Individual Residential Alternative in Cortlandt Manor, NY, to support 8 people.
August 16, 2012

Residence in Pound Ridge Renamed McCarthy House
The first residence opened under Kevin McCarthy's leadership is renamed in his honor. The home is converted to a 6-bed, all-female house.

August 22, 2013
CBS Launches Good Reasons
Good Reasons is an all-natural dog treat company established to provide employment opportunities for an integrated workforce.
August 22, 2013

CBS Becomes CQL Certified
CBS goes through the rigorous process of being certified by the Council on quality and Leadership in person centered excellence.
Residence in White Plains is Renamed Garofano House
In honor of resident Christopher Garofano and his father, Ray Garofano, long term president of the board, the house is renamed.

CBS delivers Supported Employment
CBS begins Delivering Supported Employment (SEMP) to support people who want to be a part of an integrated work setting.

CBS Delivers Pathway to Employment
CBS begins delivering Pathway to Employment (PTE) but discontinues it in 2021 in favor of other vocational supports.
May 18, 2015
CBS Opens Day Hab Without Walls in Dutchess County
CBS opens a Day Habilitation Without Walls program in Dutchess County and the program continues to grow every year.
May 18, 2015

December 28, 2015
Home Opens in Shrub Oak
CBS opens another Individual Residential Alternative in Shrub Oak, NY, to support 5 men.
December 28, 2015
May 19, 2015
CBS Awarded Balancing Incentive Program Grant
CBS is awarded a BIP grant and uses the funds to initiate an agricultural program.
May 19, 2015

October 11, 2016
CBS Purchases Building in North Salem
The building at 31 Fields Lane in North Salem, NY, is renovated to host the agency's Commissary, Good Reasons, a 20-seat Day Habilitation program and a 40-seat staff training room.
October 11, 2016
CBS Converts ICFs to IRAs
CBS converts all 6 Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) to Individualized Residential Alternatives (IRA) to ensure person-centered planning is available to everyone.

CBS Launches GR Pack
GR Pack, a division of Good reasons, is a co-packing company established to create partnership with local businesses and to provide increased employment opportunities.

September 13, 2018
CBS Purchases Cultivating Dreams Farm
Based on the success of our agricultural program, a 10-acre farm in Dutchess County is purchased to establish greenhouses and a life skills center.
September 13, 2018

December 19, 2018
CBS Opens Site-Based Day Hab
The Site-based Day Habilitation program supports 20 people who are able to tolerate a full day of activities in the community.
December 19, 2018

CBS Opens Site-Based Respite at Cultivating Dreams
The Site-Based Respite program at Cultivating Dreams Farm gives people the opportunity to enjoy all the farm has to offer while socializing with their peers.
CBS Delivers Community Based Pre-Voc
CBS begins delivering Community Based Pre-Vocational (CBPV) to support people in learning the skills they will need to get the jobs they want.

CBS Opens Accessible Airbnb
CBS opens a barrier free, ADA compliant luxury vacation house to give people the opportunity to enjoy a get-away. CBS quickly becomes a super host.

CBS Purchases Building in Patterson, NY
CBS purchases a 3-story building in Patterson, NY, that is converted into the Hudson Valley InterArts Center.

April 2021
CBS Celebrates 40 Years!
CBS celebrates 40 years! The agency, which began supporting 8 people in 1981 now supports 100s of people!
April 2021
April 4, 2022
Day Hab Program Opens in Putnam County
To meet the needs of people in Putnam County, CBS begins offering Day Habilitation programs.
April 4, 2022
May 2022
CBS Provides Programs in Peekskill
CBS begins providing programs, including Supported Employment and Day Services, in Peekskill, NY.
May 2022
June 2022
Day Hab Program Opens in Orange County
Day Habilitation programs are launched in Orange County, NY.
June 2022
Coming Soon!
CBS Begins Planning Site-Based Respite in Putnam County
CBS begins planning a Site-Based Respite program in Patterson, NY, to be located in the Hudson Valley InterArts Center.
Coming Soon!
With a strong vision for the future, we Continue to support people throughout their lives.
“What can be conceived can be created.”