Tax ID Number
The Community Based Services Foundation Tax ID number is (EIN) 99-1249883.
Credit Card Donations
Make a secure donation using your credit card through our online giving form or by calling 475-256-3020. Credit card donations qualify for the same income tax deduction as cash gifts. You can also set up a recurring gift online for ongoing support.
Check Donations
Please make checks payable to the agency and include a note specifying the purpose of your gift to ensure proper allocation.
Mail your gift to:
Community Based Services
ATN: Laurie Rzasa
3 Fields Lane
North Salem, NY 10560
Tax Advantages
A cash donation offers the highest federal income tax charitable deduction, allowing you to deduct up to 60% of your adjusted gross income. If your total deductible contributions exceed this limit in a given year, the excess can be carried forward for up to five years.
See also Gifts of Securities.
Tax Receipts
Financial Information
To request financial information about Community Based Services (Foundation?), please write to:
Community Based Services Foundation
ATN: CFO Rosemarie Stasiak
3 Fields Lane
North Salem, NY 10560