Student dancing on the floor, performing a really cool trick in Annie Ayala's Music & movement class at the Hudson Valley InterArts Center!

Joy and Expression Through Annie Ayala’s Music and Movement Classes at Hudson Valley InterArts Center

People with Disabilities Explore Rhythm, Movement, and Music at the Hudson Valley InterArts Center

Annie Ayala brings a unique blend of passion, expertise, and warmth to her music and movement classes at the Hudson Valley InterArts Center. The Hudson Valley InterArts Center community welcomes all, encouraging self-discovery through various forms of art. Annie’s classes are a testament to this, providing a space where everyone can freely express themselves through dance and movement.

Annie’s journey in dance and movement therapy began with her passion for helping people with disabilities express themselves. “I’ve always been passionate about people with disabilities being able to dance and express themselves,” she shares. Her previous work with ARC and her role in establishing a dance program for people with disabilities at her dance studio highlight her dedication to this cause. Recently, Annie earned her master’s degree in dance movement therapy, which she expertly incorporates into her classes at InterArts.

Annie Ayala, a dance and movement teacher, poses in front of an art wall.

Annie’s classes at the InterArts Center are structured yet liberating. She starts with instrumental music to set a calming tone, gradually transitioning to upbeat, funky tunes. By the end of the class, students have the freedom to choose their own music, allowing them to express their individuality. “We do a freedom dance at the end – they get to improvise and do whatever they want,” Annie explains. This approach marries freedom, movement, and expression, providing a holistic and enriching experience for her students.

Annie’s classes are designed to foster happiness and provide a safe space for expression. “I try to cultivate as much happiness and expression of getting out what they need to get out in the moment,” she says. The environment she creates is non-judgmental, with no mirrors in the studio, allowing students to focus solely on their movements and feelings. 

This freedom is particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma or emotional hardships. “A lot of times, dance movement therapy helps people experience trauma or something emotional – it’s not always the happiest of movements,” Annie notes. Annie finds great fulfillment in helping people unearth and express those emotions and channel it into something beautiful.

Student dances in the Music & Movement Hudson Valley InterArts class taught by Annie Ayala.

The most rewarding part of Annie’s teaching role is witnessing her students’ growth and transformation. “The most rewarding part is seeing everybody advance and grow. When I first started teaching, they were shy and quiet, but now they’re very spontaneous, loud, and outgoing,” she proudly states. 

The impact of the InterArts center extends beyond the doors of Annie’s classroom. “I love coming here,” Annie said. “The InterArts brings happiness and warmth.” She noted the undeniable sense of community where everyone feels free to express themselves and engage in positive discussions. “It’s very touching to only have been here for a year and know everybody here!” Annie exclaims. This sense of belonging and connection fuels her passion and dedication to her work.

Annie Ayella’s music and movement classes at the Hudson Valley InterArts Center are more than just dance sessions; they are a celebration of freedom, expression, and joy. Her dedication to creating an inclusive and supportive environment allows her students to thrive and discover their true selves through art. Annie’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of dance and the profound impact of a caring and passionate teacher.

Sign up for Annie Ayala’s music and movement classes at the Hudson Valley InterArts Center today! 

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