Transition Fairs: Resources for Success!
Choices for the student moving from school to adult life can include continuing education, getting a job or taking part in other meaningful activities, such as volunteering and job or life-skills development.
Transition planning requires collaboration among the student, family, school district, and provider agencies that can provide transition supports and services to help students with disabilities move from school to adult life.
The sooner the process begins for the student, the better.

Transition fairs provide an opportunity to connect with people from many different organizations, gather information, and get questions answered. They connect high school students and their families to resources that help them plan for a successful transition.
These fairs often include organizations and information about:
· State & Government Agencies
· Employment
· Community services
· Legal Services
· Provider agencies
· Higher education institutions

Research into transition practices shows that when educators, families, students, community members, and organizations work together, post-secondary outcomes improve for students with disabilities.
Attending transition fairs throughout the high school years will provide you with information and resources about the transition process that will help make what can often be an overwhelming process a little less stressful.

If you need assistance learning about transition or would like the help of a dedicated team of transition specialists, please contact us to have a conversation. We are here to help!
And Save the Date for the upcoming Community Based Services & Dutchess County Think Differently Fall Transition and Resource Fair on November 6th at Rhinebeck High School from 4-7pm!
Upper Hudson Valley and Capital Region:
Jennifer Havrilla
914-236-1128 or Email Jennifer
Lower Hudson Valley:
Magda Piacentino
914-236-1173 or Email Magda
Check out this transition guide and planning timeline to see what steps you need to take next and call us if you have questions! https://commbasedservices.org/transition-planning/
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