Westchester County Awards $90K Contract to CBS for Transition Planning Services
Using a $90,000 contract, once again championed by Westchester County Legislator Erika Pierce, Community Based Services (CBS) will continue to provide innovative transition planning for high school students with disabilities. CBS provides community habilitation and respite services for children and adults as well as housing, employment, and day habilitation for teens and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities.
The contract enables CBS to continue to fulfill a great need among the 18% of students who have a disability. Transitions are difficult for most individuals and especially difficult for young people with developmental disabilities. Public schools provide services to children with disabilities who, upon reaching the age of 21, must leave the comfortable and nurturing school environment. When an individual reaches 21, the responsibility shifts, and services now must be requested and applied for by the families. Although there are agencies, services, and professionals to assist in the process, these adult services are fragmented. Most families are not aware that transition planning needs to start in the early years of high school. With access to transition planning services from CBS, families will be equipped to prepare for, navigate and find suitable support and services for their loved one.
“I have heard from my constituents just how difficult and disruptive the transition can be for families. Having accessible support through the process, including an understanding of the various steps needed and timelines involved, will be very helpful to families, especially working families. I am thrilled that the county can continue to work with CBS to provide this important support and guidance."
Westchester County Legislator Erika Pierce Tweet
The contract will be used to support the collaboration between the CBS transition coordination team and Westchester County schools as well as transition and resource related outreach. By collaborating with schools, the CBS transition coordinators can reach students who have an IEP or 504 plan and are aging out of school-based programs, who may need help knowing what opportunities are available after graduation. In addition to continued work with school personnel, the transition team continues to work with state and regional agencies and organizations to provide education, information, and resources on transition planning, services available to children, adults, and families, and the coordination of services.
“We are so grateful to Erica Pierce for her leadership and ongoing support. The renewal of this contract with Westchester County for the second year is the direct result of Erica’s tireless advocacy. These funds allow us to serve many transition age students and their families who desperately need these services. Thank you, Erica and Westchester County Legislators!” says Chief Executive Officer Vicki Sylvester, Ph.D.
Visit Transition Planning Services to learn more about this support and eligibility.
CBS provides people with autism and other disabilities the best quality of life through residential and community-based opportunities. The agency has been enriching lives, providing jobs, and cultivating dreams for people with disabilities since 1981.
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