CBS & WIN Waste Innovations Create Job Opportunities for People with Special Capabilities

WIN Waste Innovations provides waste and recycling collection, transfer, and disposal services to customers and communities in Westchester County and across the Northeast. The company’s waste-to-energy facility in Peekskill, N.Y., annually converts up to 630,000 tons of post-recycled waste into renewable energy that powers more than 30,000 area homes and businesses, offsetting the need for 610,000 barrels of oil. The facility also has a special investment partnership with White Plains Linens to use steam from the waste-to-energy facility instead of fossil fuels, further reducing greenhouse gases.
Community Based Services Inc. is bringing job opportunities and workforce development to Peekskill workers with disabilities through a $20,000 donation from WIN Waste Innovations.
The donation from WIN Waste supports CBS’s job skills development program, which provides employment training and experience for individuals with disabilities. The program helps create opportunities for workers of all abilities, helps broaden the employment pool for employers, and often brings ancillary benefits to communities. For example, during a recent job training event, CBS participants removed litte
At WIN Waste, we know the importance of providing essential services and support to our communities, and we are very happy to champion the hardworking people who are gaining experience through Community Based Services' programs. Being a good neighbor while helping show off Peekskill's beautiful people and places is a great privilege."
Mary Urban, director Communications, Community Engagement & Marketing Tweet
“WIN Waste has been a great supporter of our agency and the people and communities we serve. They recognize the social and economic benefits of inclusion — it is something they practice in their own organization.”
Job Developer Joe Conti Tweet
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