Everything You Need to Know about Paratransit
Navigating transportation options is essential for people who rely on accessible and dependable transit solutions, particularly in areas like Westchester, Dutchess, and Orange counties in New York. For residents with disabilities or limited mobility, paratransit services provide an invaluable lifeline to independence. Here’s everything you need to know about paratransit services in these counties—from eligibility requirements and booking tips to service details and contact information.
What is Paratransit?
Paratransit is a specialized, door-to-door service for people with disabilities who are unable to use regular public transportation. This service typically operates alongside fixed-route transit systems, offering on-demand rides scheduled in advance.
Eligibility Requirements
Paratransit eligibility varies by county but generally requires proof of a disability or limited mobility that restricts a person’s ability to use traditional public transit. Riders may need to provide documentation from a healthcare provider and, in some cases, complete an in-person assessment.
Westchester County Paratransit Services
– Service Area: Paratransit in Westchester County operates within 3/4 of a mile of regular Bee-Line bus routes.
-Fares: The cost is $5 per trip. ParaTransit fares must be paid in cash or by a ParaTransit ticket at the time of boarding vehicle. All riders must have the exact fare. Coins are accepted (NO pennies).
– Booking and Hours: Riders can schedule trips during core hours from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through with weekend and holiday hours varying. ParaTransit trip reservations can be made online or by phone. Next day reservations, either online or by phone, must be made before 5 p.m. For more information, visit https://transportation.westchestergov.com/images/stories/pdfs/ParaTransit/tripreservationsbyphonep6and7.pdf
– Contact: Please call (914) 995-7272.
– Important Links & Application:
- ParaTransit Application
- ParaTransit Eligibility Guidelines
- ParaTransit Rider Information
- ParaTransit Quick Reference Guide

– Application: Call any one of the following numbers and ask for an application: (845) 878-3480; (845) 878-7433
Or, Write to: Putnam County Department of Planning,
Development & Public Transportation
841 Fair Street
Carmel, NY 10512
– Service Area: The paratransit service operates within 3/4 of a mile of existing fixed-route bus services in Putnam County. This means that service is generally limited to locations close to the county’s public transit routes.
– Hours of Operation: Typically, paratransit services operate Monday through Friday during regular bus hours. Weekend services are limited, so riders should plan accordingly. Always confirm hours in advance as they may vary by season or location.
-Booking a Ride: Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Riders can book by calling the Putnam County Transportation Department. Be sure to have your pickup location, destination, and preferred time ready when you call.
– Contact Information: To book a ride or check availability, contact Putnam County’s paratransit service at (845) 878-7433.
– Fares: $3.25

Dutchess County Paratransit Services
– Application: For a convenient online application, visit: https://www.dutchessny.gov/public-transit-app/dial-a-ride.aspx
– Service Area: The service covers areas within the ADA-mandated 3/4 mile of fixed-route bus lines throughout Dutchess County.
-Fares: $3.50 per trip.
– Booking and Hours: Operates Monday through Saturday, typically from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations should be made at least one day in advance.
-Schedules: For more information on schedules, visit https://www.dutchessny.gov/Departments/Public-Transit/Docs/DAR-ADA-FLEX-Info-Sheet-July-2020.pdf
– Contact: If you require more information on the ADA Complementary Paratransit Service or Dial-A-Ride program, please contact Dutchess County Division of Public Transit at 845-473-8424. Or visit https://www.dutchessny.gov/Departments/Public-Transit/Accessibility.htm

Orange County Paratransit Services
-Application: Visit https://www.ridetransitorange.com/_files/ugd/1cc025_081dcd0434594d76a8bb508d44bb06f7.pdf
– Service Area: Service within Orange County is designed for those living within 3/4 mile of fixed bus routes.
– Booking and Hours: Service operates on weekdays with varying hours on weekends depending on the area. For schedules in the Newburgh, Middletown and Monroe areas, visit https://www.ridetransitorange.com/_files/ugd/1cc025_14606e6d0d804fec8f50292571a9d700.pdf
Reservations must be made at least one day prior to the desired trip and may be
scheduled a maximum of two (2) weeks prior to the desired trip.
-Fares: $.75 per ride
– Contact: Orange County residents can contact the Transit Division at (845) 615-3850 or visit https://www.ridetransitorange.com/paratransit.
The website is in English and Spanish.
Tips for Using Paratransit Services
– Book Early: While some services offer same-day options, booking at least 24 hours in advance is ideal.
– Have Information Ready: When booking, be prepared with your pickup location, destination, and desired time.
– Arrive Early: To ensure timely service, be prepared a few minutes before your scheduled pickup.
– Plan for Changes: Weather, traffic, and other factors can affect schedules, so allow some buffer time for your arrival.
Additional Support and Resources
If you or a loved one needs help applying for paratransit, local advocacy groups or the county’s office for people with disabilities may offer assistance with the application process, training on how to use the service, and ongoing support. In addition, here are some resources from Office for People with Developmental Disabilities:
Travel Skills Development Program: Be Educated About Transit
Paratransit services in Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, and Orange counties make getting around easier and more accessible, helping residents with disabilities to live independently, stay active, and participate in their communities. If you’re eligible or know someone who may benefit, reach out to your county’s paratransit service today to learn more.
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